Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Clean(ish) Eating Challenge

Happy June 1st all!

This morning as I was talking a walk with my mom, I came up with a plan. If you've read my previous post, you know that I've been feeling kind of blah lately - that and I've been unable to get "into" a summer routine. I've also been very frustrated with myself and my inability to complete projects

So for the month of June, I'm going to try a little challenge. I've tried numerous challenges in the past and have always stopped for one reason or another. Let's recap:
  • Two summers ago I attempted the HTC diet. Basically you only eat 500 calories a day and take drops to suppress your hunger. Time lasted: 4 days.
  • I once tried to ONLY eat fruits and vegetables. Time lasted: I don't even remember, but it was a horrible fail that we can all laugh about now.
  • There was the time I tried to eat vegan. Time lasted: A little while, the more I told myself I couldn't have dairy, the more I really wanted it.
  • The vegetarian phase. Time lasted: 6(ish) months? I definitely succeeded with eating vegetarian the longest. However I didn't give up meat to "save the animals." I did it because I thought it would make me skinnier. Although I tried to eat tofu every single day, I'm not a good cook and ran out of ways to make it exciting. I was soon tired all the time and became anemic. So slowly but surely I've introduced meat back into my diet.
I've also "given up" many different foods in the past - ice cream, pizza, chocolate, bread, any form of sweets, etc. Of course, this has just led me to want said foods more. I'd end up eventually binging on them, purging, and so on.

For roughly the past year, I've told myself that there will be no challenges, no restrictions, no diets - and I'm still pretty against restricting and dieting. I've refused to "give up" any type of food or set any kind of limits.

But today, I'm going to try something new. And who knows, this could be just what I need (hopefully!)

I give you the June Clean(ish) Eating Challenge!

So what's the dealio?

Let me explain.

If you're unfamiliar with the idea of "clean eating," check this explanation out. Although I'm going to make up my own form of clean eating, it will be most similar to the second method listed/this:

  1. Eat  Lots Of Plants – Eat food that is straight from nature. (Some people say “as close to the way nature made it as possible”. But I think that leaves too much wiggle room – in my humble opinion) Eat mostly foods that are off a tree, bush, plant or vine, and you’ve pretty much got it covered. The idea is to stay away from anything that humans (food corporations) have altered in any way.
  2. Include Meats - Eat meats that are whole and straight from the butcher. Don’t buy pre-packaged meat products because you never know what’s in them. When possible, buy whole meats and grind them yourself. You’d be surprised what’s in ground turkey meat! You can also select a few turkey breasts and ask that the butcher grind them for you. Many butchers are more than willing to accommodate.
  3. Enjoy Grains - Eat grains that are still complete and haven’t been broken down into “glue”. Stick to brown rice, whole wheat and other whole grains
  4. Read Labels I don’t know how many breads I’ve picked up at the store that say they are whole grain. But when I take a look at the ingredient list, white flour is the second ingredient after whole wheat flour!
  5. Eat Fewer Ingredients. Try not to purchase foods that have more than 3-6 ingredients in the ingredient list. And be sure you recognize each and every ingredient. If you find a “mystery ingredient” such as “spices”, contact the company! Ask them what they consider to be spices. If it’s anything other than honest-to-goodness herbs and spices, avoid it! And remember, if you can’t pronounce it, it probably shouldn’t go into your body.
  6. Eat 5-6 small meals per day. This may seem like a lot at first. But remember, you are eating smaller portions. If you really have a hard time with this, prepare your regular three meals and a snack for the day, and divide lunch and dinner in half. You’ve instantly got 6 small meals!

My main goal is to eliminate access sugar, sodium, and processed foods. I'd like to stay away from my "trigger" foods (these foods often trigger a binge) like ice cream, bagels, soda, candy, pizza and chocolate. However, if one of those foods sneaks it's way into a meal - I refuse to let it be the end of the world.

Again, my idea is not to restrict, but to try and refrain from "un-clean" foods. I love the idea of the Paleo diet, but it's too much for me right now. Maybe someday. However, I would like to try and keep in mind that basic idea of the Paleo diet - eat only what a caveman would have had access to.

I'm going to come right out and say there are a few things I won't be ditching. I love Special K in the morning or Van's Frozen Waffles. Not the most clean foods, but they aren't horrible. Those will stay. I'm also not planning to get rid of yogurt (hello, have you tried Greek yogurt?) or almond milk.

I have a feeling this may be a lot of trial and error, but hopefully I can be more mindful of what I'm putting in my body and more in tune with what my body needs.

In addition, I'd like to amp up my exercising a little bit. The last time I was at a doctors visit at the hospital, the doctor told me to aim for exercising 5 out of the 7 days of the week. I've been known to get a little obsessive but I'd like to try to "sweat once a day," in honor of one of my favorite pieces of Lululemon advice. Even if it's technically an "off" day, I'd like to try and at least go for a walk or maybe attend yoga. If I feel like it's too much for my body in a week or so, I'll re-evaluate.

I've created this calender (fancy, right?) to keep track of  my exercising:

So basically you're going to to be seeing this calendar in every post and I will be posting everyday. I'm hoping this keeps me motivated, determined, and accountable. Please, please, please let me know what you think and share your advice! I'm going to posting pictures on my Instagram (em_ilyclark) and using the hashtag #eatcleanish. Join me?

Hopefully we can kick some serious butt, one moment at a time.

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