Friday, January 18, 2013

My Very First ...

Happy Friday :)

So today, an article I wrote for my E-Journalism class ... got published! While most of the class may end up getting published too, I'm still looking at it as a "big deal."

Why? Why not! Too often we overlook events that are actually freaking awesome. It's only when the moments have passed that we look back and identify how kick-butt they were. Why not try to really enjoy them as they happen?

I'm convinced that "living in the moment," is the greatest feeling you can achieve. I'm not particularly good at it yet, but when I am ... it's heaven.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Where has the time gone?

I think winter break was a tease. I can't seem to get motivated this week, my second week back in classes. Not only that, but finding the time to blog has been impossible.

Maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but what the heck! I thought as soon as I started this blog I would have instant success! I'd obviously have a ton to write about, an increasing number of readers each day, and be on the top of everyone's "to-read" list.

Yeah right, Emily.

Friday, January 4, 2013

My Dirty Little Secret

Yesterday, as I was completing my morning routine and checking Twitter, I came across a re-tweeted New York Times article that really intrigued me. I thought it'd be a good idea to share its content with you.

The article was re-tweeted by a journalism professor of mine, with the description - "I love this writing exercise. Will employ in some class in the future." I instantly clicked the link, thinking maybe I could get a head start on an idea for an assignment that may soon be coming my way.